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Home > english-chinese > "she is the second child in the family" in Chinese

Chinese translation for "she is the second child in the family"


Related Translations:
she:  pron.她〔人称代名词、第三人称、阴性、单数;所有格是 her 和 hers, 宾格是 her, 复数是 they〕。 ★ 船舶、国家、月亮、火车等也常比拟作阴性而说作 she。n.(pl. shes ) (opp. he). 女人;女子;〔口语〕雌。 Is it a he or a she 这是男是女? 是雄是雌?adj.女的;雌的;母的。 a she-cat 雌猫。
Example Sentences:
1.She is the second child in the family .
Similar Words:
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